Source code for vistir.misc

import io
import json
import locale
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import warnings

from itertools import tee
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

from queue import Empty, Queue
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union

from .cmdparse import Script

_fs_encode_errors = "surrogatepass"

__all__ = [

def _get_logger(name=None, level="ERROR"):
    # type: (Optional[str], str) -> logging.Logger
    if not name:
        name = __name__
    level = getattr(logging, level.upper())
    logger = logging.getLogger(name)
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s"
    handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
    return logger

[docs]def shell_escape(cmd: Union[str, List[str]]) -> str: """Escape strings for use in :func:`~subprocess.Popen` and :func:`run`. This is a passthrough method for instantiating a :class:`~vistir.cmdparse.Script` object which can be used to escape commands to output as a single string. """ cmd = Script.parse(cmd) return cmd.cmdify()
[docs]def unnest(elem): # type: (Iterable) -> Any """Flatten an arbitrarily nested iterable. :param elem: An iterable to flatten :type elem: :class:`~collections.Iterable` >>> nested_iterable = ( 1234, (3456, 4398345, (234234)), ( 2396, ( 23895750, 9283798, 29384, ( 289375983275, 293759, 2347, ( 2098, 7987, 27599 ) ) ) ) ) >>> list(vistir.misc.unnest(nested_iterable)) [1234, 3456, 4398345, 234234, 2396, 23895750, 9283798, 29384, 289375983275, 293759, 2347, 2098, 7987, 27599] """ if isinstance(elem, Iterable) and not isinstance(elem, str): elem, target = tee(elem, 2) else: target = elem if not target or not _is_iterable(target): yield target else: for el in target: if isinstance(el, Iterable) and not isinstance(el, str): el, el_copy = tee(el, 2) for sub in unnest(el_copy): yield sub else: yield el
def _is_iterable(elem): # type: (Any) -> bool if getattr(elem, "__iter__", False) or isinstance(elem, Iterable): return True return False def _spawn_subprocess( script, # type: Union[str, List[str]] env=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] block=True, # type: bool cwd=None, # type: Optional[Union[str, Path]] combine_stderr=True, # type: bool encoding="utf-8", # type: str ): from shutil import which if != "nt": class WindowsError(OSError): """this exception is only available on windows""" if not env: env = os.environ.copy() command = which(script.command) options = { "env": env, "universal_newlines": True, "stdout": subprocess.PIPE, "stderr": subprocess.PIPE if not combine_stderr else subprocess.STDOUT, "shell": False, } if sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 5): options.update({"universal_newlines": True, "encoding": encoding}) elif != "nt": options["universal_newlines"] = True if not block: options["stdin"] = subprocess.PIPE if cwd: options["cwd"] = cwd # Command not found, maybe this is a shell built-in? cmd = [command] + script.args if not command: # Try to use CreateProcess directly if possible. cmd = script.cmdify() options["shell"] = True # Try to use CreateProcess directly if possible. Specifically catch # Windows error 193 "Command is not a valid Win32 application" to handle # a "command" that is non-executable. See pypa/pipenv#2727. try: return subprocess.Popen(cmd, **options) except WindowsError as err: # pragma: no cover if getattr(err, "winerror", 9999) != 193: raise options["shell"] = True # Try shell mode to use Windows's file association for file launch. return subprocess.Popen(script.cmdify(), **options) class SubprocessStreamWrapper(object): def __init__( self, display_stderr_maxlen=200, # type: int display_line_for_loops=20, # type: int subprocess=None, # type: subprocess.Popen spinner=None, # type: Optional[VistirSpinner] verbose=False, # type: bool stdout_allowed=False, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None stdout_encoding = None stderr_encoding = None preferred_encoding = getpreferredencoding() if subprocess is not None: stdout_encoding = self.get_subprocess_encoding(subprocess, "stdout") stderr_encoding = self.get_subprocess_encoding(subprocess, "stderr") self.stdout_encoding = stdout_encoding or preferred_encoding self.stderr_encoding = stderr_encoding or preferred_encoding self.stdout_lines = [] self.text_stdout_lines = [] self.stderr_lines = [] self.text_stderr_lines = [] self.display_line = "" self.display_line_loops_displayed = 0 self.display_line_shown_for_loops = display_line_for_loops self.display_line_max_len = display_stderr_maxlen self.spinner = spinner self.stdout_allowed = stdout_allowed self.verbose = verbose self._iterated_stdout = None self._iterated_stderr = None self._subprocess = subprocess self._queues = { "streams": Queue(), "lines": Queue(), } self._threads = { stream_name: threading.Thread( target=self.enqueue_stream, args=(self._subprocess, stream_name, self._queues["streams"]), ) for stream_name in ("stdout", "stderr") } self._threads["watcher"] = threading.Thread( target=self.process_output_lines, args=(self._queues["streams"], self._queues["lines"]), ) self.start_threads() def enqueue_stream(self, proc, stream_name, queue): # type: (subprocess.Popen, str, Queue) -> None if not getattr(proc, stream_name, None): queue.put(("stderr", None)) else: for line in iter(getattr(proc, stream_name).readline, ""): queue.put((stream_name, line)) getattr(proc, stream_name).close() @property def stderr(self): return self._subprocess.stderr @property def stdout(self): return self._subprocess.stdout @classmethod def get_subprocess_encoding(cls, cmd_instance, stream_name): # type: (subprocess.Popen, str) -> Optional[str] stream = getattr(cmd_instance, stream_name, None) if stream is not None: return get_output_encoding(getattr(stream, "encoding", None)) return None @property def stdout_iter(self): if self._iterated_stdout is None and self.stdout: self._iterated_stdout = iter(self.stdout.readline, "") return self._iterated_stdout @property def stderr_iter(self): if self._iterated_stderr is None and self.stderr: self._iterated_stderr = iter(self.stderr.readline, "") return self._iterated_stderr def _decode_line(self, line, encoding): # type: (Union[str, bytes], str) -> str if isinstance(line, bytes): line = to_text( line.decode(encoding, errors=_fs_decode_errors).encode( "utf-8", errors=_fs_encode_errors ), errors="backslashreplace", ) else: line = to_text(line, encoding=encoding, errors=_fs_encode_errors) return line def start_threads(self): for thread in self._threads.values(): thread.daemon = True thread.start() @property def subprocess(self): return self._subprocess @property def out(self): # type: () -> str return getattr(self.subprocess, "out", "") @out.setter def out(self, value): # type: (str) -> None self._subprocess.out = value @property def err(self): # type: () -> str return getattr(self.subprocess, "err", "") @err.setter def err(self, value): # type: (str) -> None self._subprocess.err = value def poll(self): # type: () -> Optional[int] return self.subprocess.poll() def wait(self, timeout=None): # type: (self, Optional[int]) -> Optional[int] kwargs = {} if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: kwargs = {"timeout": timeout} result = self._subprocess.wait(**kwargs) self.gather_output() return result @property def returncode(self): # type: () -> Optional[int] return self.subprocess.returncode @property def text_stdout(self): return os.linesep.join(self.text_stdout_lines) @property def text_stderr(self): return os.linesep.join(self.text_stderr_lines) @property def stderr_closed(self): # type: () -> bool return self.stderr is None or (self.stderr is not None and self.stderr.closed) @property def stdout_closed(self): # type: () -> bool return self.stdout is None or (self.stdout is not None and self.stdout.closed) @property def running(self): # type: () -> bool return any(t.is_alive() for t in self._threads.values()) or not all( [self.stderr_closed, self.stdout_closed, self.subprocess_finished] ) @property def subprocess_finished(self): if self._subprocess is None: return False return ( self._subprocess.poll() is not None or self._subprocess.returncode is not None ) def update_display_line(self, new_line): # type: () -> None if self.display_line: if new_line != self.display_line: self.display_line_loops_displayed = 0 new_line = "{}".format(new_line) if len(new_line) > self.display_line_max_len: new_line = "{}...".format(new_line[: self.display_line_max_len]) self.display_line = new_line elif self.display_line_loops_displayed >= self.display_line_shown_for_loops: self.display_line = "" self.display_line_loops_displayed = 0 else: self.display_line_loops_displayed += 1 return None @classmethod def check_line_content(cls, line): # type: (Optional[str]) -> bool return line is not None and line != "" def get_line(self, queue): # type: (Queue) -> Tuple[Optional[str], ...] stream, result = None, None try: stream, result = queue.get_nowait() except Empty: result = None return stream, result def process_output_lines(self, recv_queue, line_queue): # type: (Queue, Queue) -> None stream, line = self.get_line(recv_queue) while self.poll() is None or line is not None: if self.check_line_content(line): line = to_text("{}".format(line).rstrip()) line_queue.put((stream, line)) stream, line = self.get_line(recv_queue) def gather_output(self, spinner=None, stdout_allowed=False, verbose=False): # type: (Optional[VistirSpinner], bool, bool) -> None if not getattr(self._subprocess, "out", None): self._subprocess.out = "" if not getattr(self._subprocess, "err", None): self._subprocess.err = "" if not self._queues["streams"].empty(): self.process_output_lines(self._queues["streams"], self._queues["lines"]) while not self._queues["lines"].empty(): try: stream_name, line = self._queues["lines"].get() except Empty: if not self._threads["watcher"].is_active(): break pass if stream_name == "stdout": text_line = self._decode_line(line, self.stdout_encoding) self.text_stdout_lines.append(text_line) self.out += "{}\n".format(text_line) if verbose: _write_subprocess_result( line, "stdout", spinner=spinner, stdout_allowed=stdout_allowed ) else: text_err = self._decode_line(line, self.stderr_encoding) self.text_stderr_lines.append(text_err) self.update_display_line(line) self.err += "{}\n".format(text_err) _write_subprocess_result( line, "stderr", spinner=spinner, stdout_allowed=stdout_allowed ) if spinner: spinner.text = "{} {}".format(spinner.text, self.display_line) self.out = self.out.strip() self.err = self.err.strip() def _write_subprocess_result(result, stream_name, spinner=None, stdout_allowed=False): # type: (str, str, Optional[VistirSpinner], bool) -> None if not stdout_allowed and stream_name == "stdout": stream_name = "stderr" if spinner: spinner.hide_and_write(result, target=getattr(spinner, stream_name)) else: target_stream = getattr(sys, stream_name) target_stream.write(result) target_stream.flush() return None def attach_stream_reader( cmd_instance, verbose, maxlen, spinner=None, stdout_allowed=False ): streams = SubprocessStreamWrapper( subprocess=cmd_instance, display_stderr_maxlen=maxlen, spinner=spinner, verbose=verbose, stdout_allowed=stdout_allowed, ) streams.gather_output(spinner=spinner, verbose=verbose, stdout_allowed=stdout_allowed) return streams def _handle_nonblocking_subprocess(c, spinner=None): while c.running: c.wait() if spinner: if c.returncode != 0:" up...") elif c.returncode == 0 and not == "nt": spinner.ok("✔ Complete") else: spinner.ok("Complete") return c def _create_subprocess( cmd, env=None, block=True, return_object=False, cwd=os.curdir, verbose=False, spinner=None, combine_stderr=False, display_limit=200, start_text="", write_to_stdout=True, encoding="utf-8", ): if not env: env = os.environ.copy() try: c = _spawn_subprocess( cmd, env=env, block=block, cwd=cwd, combine_stderr=combine_stderr, encoding=encoding, ) except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover import traceback formatted_tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) sys.stderr.write( "Error while executing command %s:" % " ".join(cmd._parts) ) sys.stderr.write(formatted_tb) raise exc if not block: c.stdin.close() spinner_orig_text = "" if spinner and getattr(spinner, "text", None) is not None: spinner_orig_text = spinner.text if not spinner_orig_text and start_text is not None: spinner_orig_text = start_text c = attach_stream_reader( c, verbose=verbose, maxlen=display_limit, spinner=spinner, stdout_allowed=write_to_stdout, ) _handle_nonblocking_subprocess(c, spinner) else: try: c.out, c.err = c.communicate() except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, TimeoutError): # pragma: no cover c.terminate() c.out, c.err = c.communicate() raise if not return_object: return c.out.strip(), c.err.strip() return c
[docs]def run( cmd, env=None, return_object=False, block=True, cwd=None, verbose=False, nospin=False, spinner_name=None, combine_stderr=True, display_limit=200, write_to_stdout=True, encoding="utf-8", ): """Use `subprocess.Popen` to get the output of a command and decode it. :param list cmd: A list representing the command you want to run. :param dict env: Additional environment settings to pass through to the subprocess. :param bool return_object: When True, returns the whole subprocess instance :param bool block: When False, returns a potentially still-running :class:`subprocess.Popen` instance :param str cwd: Current working directory context to use for spawning the subprocess. :param bool verbose: Whether to print stdout in real time when non-blocking. :param bool nospin: Whether to disable the cli spinner. :param str spinner_name: The name of the spinner to use if enabled, defaults to bouncingBar :param bool combine_stderr: Optionally merge stdout and stderr in the subprocess, false if nonblocking. :param int dispay_limit: The max width of output lines to display when using a spinner. :param bool write_to_stdout: Whether to write to stdout when using a spinner, defaults to True. :returns: A 2-tuple of (output, error) or a :class:`subprocess.Popen` object. .. Warning:: Merging standard out and standard error in a nonblocking subprocess can cause errors in some cases and may not be ideal. Consider disabling this functionality. """ _env = os.environ.copy() _env["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = str("utf-8") _env["PYTHONUTF8"] = str("1") if env: _env.update(env) _env = {k: v for k, v in _env.items()} if not spinner_name: spinner_name = "bouncingBar" if not isinstance(cmd, Script): cmd = Script.parse(cmd) if block or not return_object: combine_stderr = False start_text = "" return _create_subprocess( cmd, env=_env, return_object=return_object, block=block, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose, spinner=None, combine_stderr=combine_stderr, start_text=start_text, write_to_stdout=write_to_stdout, encoding=encoding, )
[docs]def load_path(python): """Load the :mod:`sys.path` from the given python executable's environment as json. :param str python: Path to a valid python executable :return: A python representation of the `sys.path` value of the given python executable. :rtype: list >>> load_path("/home/user/.virtualenvs/requirementslib-5MhGuG3C/bin/python") ['', '/home/user/.virtualenvs/requirementslib-5MhGuG3C/lib/', '/home/user/.virtualenvs/requirementslib-5MhGuG3C/lib/python3.7', '/home/user/.virtualenvs/requirementslib-5MhGuG3C/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/home/user/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/lib/python3.7', '/home/user/.virtualenvs/requirementslib-5MhGuG3C/lib/python3.7/site-packages', '/home/user/git/requirementslib/src'] """ warnings.warn( 'This function is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.8.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) from pathlib import Path python = Path(python).as_posix() out, err = run( [python, "-c", "import json, sys; print(json.dumps(sys.path))"], nospin=True ) if out: return json.loads(out) else: return []
[docs]def partialclass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a partially instantiated class. :return: A partial class instance :rtype: cls >>> source = partialclass(Source, url="") >>> source <class '__main__.Source'> >>> source(name="pypi") >>> source.__dict__ mappingproxy({ '__module__': '__main__', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Source' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Source' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__init__': functools.partialmethod( <function Source.__init__ at 0x7f23af429bf8>, , url='' ) }) >>> new_source = source(name="pypi") >>> new_source <__main__.Source object at 0x7f23af189b38> >>> new_source.__dict__ {'url': '', 'verify_ssl': True, 'name': 'pypi'} """ from functools import partialmethod name_attrs = [ n for n in (getattr(cls, name, str(cls)) for name in ("__name__", "__qualname__")) if n is not None ] name_attrs = name_attrs[0] type_ = type( name_attrs, (cls,), {"__init__": partialmethod(cls.__init__, *args, **kwargs)} ) # Swiped from attrs.make_class try: type_.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get("__name__", "__main__") except (AttributeError, ValueError): # pragma: no cover pass # pragma: no cover return type_
# Borrowed from django -- force bytes and decode -- see link for details: #
[docs]def to_bytes(string, encoding="utf-8", errors=None): """Force a value to bytes. :param string: Some input that can be converted to a bytes. :type string: str or bytes unicode or a memoryview subclass :param encoding: The encoding to use for conversions, defaults to "utf-8" :param encoding: str, optional :return: Corresponding byte representation (for use in filesystem operations) :rtype: bytes """ unicode_name = get_canonical_encoding_name("utf-8") if not errors: if get_canonical_encoding_name(encoding) == unicode_name: if == "nt": errors = "surrogatepass" else: errors = "surrogateescape" else: errors = "strict" if isinstance(string, bytes): if get_canonical_encoding_name(encoding) == unicode_name: return string else: return string.decode(unicode_name).encode(encoding, errors) elif isinstance(string, memoryview): return string.tobytes() elif not isinstance(string, str): # pragma: no cover try: return str(string).encode(encoding, errors) except UnicodeEncodeError: if isinstance(string, Exception): return b" ".join(to_bytes(arg, encoding, errors) for arg in string) return str(string).encode(encoding, errors) else: return string.encode(encoding, errors)
[docs]def to_text(string, encoding="utf-8", errors=None): """Force a value to a text-type. :param string: Some input that can be converted to a unicode representation. :type string: str or bytes unicode :param encoding: The encoding to use for conversions, defaults to "utf-8" :param encoding: str, optional :return: The unicode representation of the string :rtype: str """ unicode_name = get_canonical_encoding_name("utf-8") if not errors: if get_canonical_encoding_name(encoding) == unicode_name: if == "nt": errors = "surrogatepass" else: errors = "surrogateescape" else: errors = "strict" if issubclass(type(string), str): return string try: if not issubclass(type(string), str): if isinstance(string, bytes): string = str(string, encoding, errors) else: string = str(string) else: string = string.decode(encoding, errors) except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover string = " ".join(to_text(arg, encoding, errors) for arg in string) return string
try: locale_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or "ascii" except Exception: locale_encoding = "ascii"
[docs]def getpreferredencoding(): """Determine the proper output encoding for terminal rendering.""" # Borrowed from Invoke # (see _encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() or locale.getpreferredencoding(False) return _encoding
PREFERRED_ENCODING = getpreferredencoding() def get_output_encoding(source_encoding): """Given a source encoding, determine the preferred output encoding. :param str source_encoding: The encoding of the source material. :returns: The output encoding to decode to. :rtype: str """ if source_encoding is not None: if get_canonical_encoding_name(source_encoding) == "ascii": return "utf-8" return get_canonical_encoding_name(source_encoding) return get_canonical_encoding_name(PREFERRED_ENCODING) def _encode(output, encoding=None, errors=None, translation_map=None): if encoding is None: encoding = PREFERRED_ENCODING try: output = output.encode(encoding) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): if translation_map is not None: output = output.translate(translation_map) else: output = to_text(output, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) except AttributeError: pass return output
[docs]def decode_for_output(output, target_stream=None, translation_map=None): """Given a string, decode it for output to a terminal. :param str output: A string to print to a terminal :param target_stream: A stream to write to, we will encode to target this stream if possible. :param dict translation_map: A mapping of unicode character ordinals to replacement strings. :return: A re-encoded string using the preferred encoding :rtype: str """ if not isinstance(output, str): return output encoding = None if target_stream is not None: encoding = getattr(target_stream, "encoding", None) encoding = get_output_encoding(encoding) try: output = _encode(output, encoding=encoding, translation_map=translation_map) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): output = _encode( output, encoding=encoding, errors="replace", translation_map=translation_map ) return to_text(output, encoding=encoding, errors="replace")
[docs]def get_canonical_encoding_name(name): # type: (str) -> str """Given an encoding name, get the canonical name from a codec lookup. :param str name: The name of the codec to lookup :return: The canonical version of the codec name :rtype: str """ import codecs try: codec = codecs.lookup(name) except LookupError: return name else: return
def _is_binary_buffer(stream): try: stream.write(b"") except Exception: try: stream.write("") except Exception: pass return False return True def _get_binary_buffer(stream): if not _is_binary_buffer(stream): stream = getattr(stream, "buffer", None) if stream is not None and _is_binary_buffer(stream): return stream return stream
[docs]def get_wrapped_stream(stream, encoding=None, errors="replace"): """Given a stream, wrap it in a `StreamWrapper` instance and return the wrapped stream. :param stream: A stream instance to wrap :param str encoding: The encoding to use for the stream :param str errors: The error handler to use, default "replace" :returns: A new, wrapped stream :rtype: :class:`StreamWrapper` """ if stream is None: raise TypeError("must provide a stream to wrap") stream = _get_binary_buffer(stream) if stream is not None and encoding is None: encoding = "utf-8" if not encoding: encoding = get_output_encoding(getattr(stream, "encoding", None)) else: encoding = get_canonical_encoding_name(encoding) return StreamWrapper(stream, encoding, errors, line_buffering=True)
[docs]class StreamWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper): """This wrapper class will wrap a provided stream and supply an interface for compatibility.""" def __init__(self, stream, encoding, errors, line_buffering=True, **kwargs): self._stream = stream = _StreamProvider(stream) io.TextIOWrapper.__init__( self, stream, encoding, errors, line_buffering=line_buffering, **kwargs ) # borrowed from click's implementation of stream wrappers, see #
[docs] def write(self, x): # try to use backslash and surrogate escape strategies before failing self._errors = ( "backslashescape" if self.encoding != "mbcs" else "surrogateescape" ) try: return io.TextIOWrapper.write(self, to_text(x, errors=self._errors)) except UnicodeDecodeError: if self._errors != "surrogateescape": self._errors = "surrogateescape" else: self._errors = "replace" return io.TextIOWrapper.write(self, to_text(x, errors=self._errors))
[docs] def writelines(self, lines): for line in lines: self.write(line)
def __del__(self): try: self.detach() except Exception: pass
[docs] def isatty(self): return self._stream.isatty()
# More things borrowed from click, this is because we are using `TextIOWrapper` instead of # just a normal StringIO class _StreamProvider(object): def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream super(_StreamProvider, self).__init__() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._stream, name) def read1(self, size): fn = getattr(self._stream, "read1", None) if fn is not None: return fn(size) return def readable(self): fn = getattr(self._stream, "readable", None) if fn is not None: return fn() try: except Exception: return False return True def writable(self): fn = getattr(self._stream, "writable", None) if fn is not None: return fn() try: self._stream.write(b"") except Exception: return False return True def seekable(self): fn = getattr(self._stream, "seekable", None) if fn is not None: return fn() try: except Exception: return False return True # XXX: The approach here is inspired somewhat by click with details taken from various # XXX: other sources. Specifically we are using a stream cache and stream wrapping # XXX: techniques from click (loosely inspired for the most part, with many details) # XXX: heavily modified to suit our needs def _isatty(stream): try: is_a_tty = stream.isatty() except Exception: # pragma: no cover is_a_tty = False return is_a_tty _wrap_for_color = None try: import colorama except ImportError: colorama = None _color_stream_cache = WeakKeyDictionary() if == "nt" or sys.platform.startswith("win"): if colorama is not None: def _is_wrapped_for_color(stream): return isinstance( stream, (colorama.AnsiToWin32, colorama.ansitowin32.StreamWrapper) ) def _wrap_for_color(stream, color=None): try: cached = _color_stream_cache.get(stream) except KeyError: cached = None if cached is not None: return cached strip = not _can_use_color(stream, color) _color_wrapper = colorama.AnsiToWin32(stream, strip=strip) result = _write = result.write def _write_with_color(s): try: return _write(s) except Exception: _color_wrapper.reset_all() raise result.write = _write_with_color try: _color_stream_cache[stream] = result except Exception: pass return result def _cached_stream_lookup(stream_lookup_func, stream_resolution_func): stream_cache = WeakKeyDictionary() def lookup(): stream = stream_lookup_func() result = None if stream in stream_cache: result = stream_cache.get(stream, None) if result is not None: return result result = stream_resolution_func() try: stream = stream_lookup_func() stream_cache[stream] = result except Exception: pass return result return lookup def get_text_stream(stream="stdout", encoding=None): """Retrieve a utf-8 stream wrapper around **sys.stdout** or **sys.stderr**. :param str stream: The name of the stream to wrap from the :mod:`sys` module. :param str encoding: An optional encoding to use. :return: A new :class:`~vistir.misc.StreamWrapper` instance around the stream :rtype: `vistir.misc.StreamWrapper` """ stream_map = {"stdin": sys.stdin, "stdout": sys.stdout, "stderr": sys.stderr} if == "nt" or sys.platform.startswith("win"): from ._winconsole import _get_windows_console_stream else: _get_windows_console_stream = lambda *args: None # noqa _wrap_std_stream = lambda *args: None # noqa sys_stream = stream_map[stream] windows_console = _get_windows_console_stream(sys_stream, encoding, None) if windows_console is not None: if _can_use_color(windows_console): return _wrap_for_color(windows_console) return windows_console return get_wrapped_stream(sys_stream, encoding) def get_text_stdout(): return get_text_stream("stdout") def get_text_stderr(): return get_text_stream("stderr") def get_text_stdin(): return get_text_stream("stdin") _text_stdin = _cached_stream_lookup(lambda: sys.stdin, get_text_stdin) _text_stdout = _cached_stream_lookup(lambda: sys.stdout, get_text_stdout) _text_stderr = _cached_stream_lookup(lambda: sys.stderr, get_text_stderr) TEXT_STREAMS = { "stdin": get_text_stdin, "stdout": get_text_stdout, "stderr": get_text_stderr, } def replace_with_text_stream(stream_name): """Given a stream name, replace the target stream with a text-converted equivalent. :param str stream_name: The name of a target stream, such as **stdout** or **stderr** :return: None """ new_stream = TEXT_STREAMS.get(stream_name) if new_stream is not None: new_stream = new_stream() setattr(sys, stream_name, new_stream) return None def _can_use_color(stream=None, color=None): from .termcolors import DISABLE_COLORS if DISABLE_COLORS: return False if not color: if not stream: stream = sys.stdin return _isatty(stream) return bool(color)